Friday, April 8, 2011

My crazy, beautiful life.

Today's a beauti-fucking-ful day. My school's annual Block Party is tonight. A total Geed-run event, but I'm sure it will be fun.

Last year I came to visit this school during the block party, and it was a day exactly like this. I never would have guessed that I would be here in a year. Or how fast it would go by.

Lessons learned:
1. Sometimes you do shit because it needs to be done, not because you want to.
2. Opening up to people, no matter how vulnerable it makes you feel, is totally worth it, most of the time.
3. Opening up to people means eventually having to let go of them.
4. Whatever happens, happens. But it's not like you don't have any control in what happens.

What I've gained:
1. 80+ sisters who are and always will be there for me.
2. Confidence in who I am.
3. Experience, in so many aspects of life.
4. 14 pounds :(

What I've lost:
1. Somebody constantly making me do the things I have a hard time making myself do (Parents!).
2. That feeling that there is nowhere where I truly fit in. I've found my niche. :)
3. My terrible temper.
4. My purse, and jacket, and phone, and wallet, and vodka, and water bottles (8 I think?), and camera, and shoes. Most were relocated the next morning :)

What I'll never forget:
1. Sisterhood, my faith in it may waiver from time to time, but in the end it's what keeps me together.
2. My first love.
3. That I am a very interesting person. I can be the life of the party and influential in ways I had never thought of. Which is a good thing to keep in mind at all times.
4. That through everything that has happened this year, even with feeling terrible and depressed and overwhelmed most of the time, this has been the best year of my life, and I hope there are many more like it to come.

I wouldn't trade this year for anything. I wouldn't change anything about it. I've laughed, partied, loved, made mistakes, cried, learned, and repeat. It was worth it all.

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